
From Isham Mohamed

Make virus hidden folders visible

This was an old problem back to 2006-2007 when the famous Trojan:WinNT/Sality was rocking the Windows machines by making “Newfolder.exe” and hiding folders. That time I wrote this script to un-hide those folders.

These days many people are asking me for the same file. so I am sharing that

Just copy paste the code below to a notepad file, save it as “showfile.bat”, copy the file to the virus affected directory and open it. This bat file will ask for pressing enter 2 times and after that u can rescue your folders

echo  OFF
color 97
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "    ---       ---   ---            ---       ---  ---          ---  ---
echo "   |    |    |   | |     |   |    |    |    |    |   | |   | |    |   |
echo "   |___ |    |___|  ---  |___|    |    |    |--- |___| |   | |--- |--- 
echo "   |    |    |   |     | |   |    |    |    |    |   | |   | |    |  
echo "   |     --- |   |  ---  |   |     ---  ---  --- |   | |   |  --- |   
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                        
echo     @ This program will recover back lost folders on your pen-drive.

echo 	@ Deletes virus files that infect your pen-drive.                                                                                     

echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo		"MI.Isham Mohamed 2007-2013"
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------

echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "    ---       ---   ---            ---       ---  ---          ---  ---
echo "   |    |    |   | |     |   |    |    |    |    |   | |   | |    |   |
echo "   |___ |    |___|  ---  |___|    |    |    |--- |___| |   | |--- |--- 
echo "   |    |    |   |     | |   |    |    |    |    |   | |   | |    |  
echo "   |     --- |   |  ---  |   |     ---  ---  --- |   | |   |  --- |   
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------

echo "	 Wait while cleaning up your pen-drive.....`

echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------

dir /b/ad >log.txt 
for /F "delims=,  " %%f in (log.txt) do attrib -r -s -h "%%f"
for /F "delims=,  " %%f in (log.txt) do del /p /f "%%f.exe" 
del log.txt

echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------

echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------

echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "    ---       ---   ---            ---       ---  ---          ---  ---
echo "   |    |    |   | |     |   |    |    |    |    |   | |   | |    |   |
echo "   |___ |    |___|  ---  |___|    |    |    |--- |___| |   | |--- |--- 
echo "   |    |    |   |     | |   |    |    |    |    |   | |   | |    |  
echo "   |     --- |   |  ---  |   |     ---  ---  --- |   | |   |  --- |   

echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                      

echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------


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